Our final day *sob!*
Most of us gathered for a final brekky in the Hotel restaurant, apart from the NZ girls who had an early flight. We sang a rousing Happy Birthday to Makeesha which she thoroughly enjoyed (not!)
Pop on over to her blog to wish her a happy belated birthday. I'm sure she'd like that a lot more!
Our flight was due to leave at 11:15, but I think SU! wanted to prolong our trip, as the flight was delayed, and delayed and delayed, and we ended up waiting at the airport for an extra couple of hours. It's lucky we had good company!
We even got to say another goodbye to the Perth girls, who were due to fly out much later than us, but ended up flying out at a similar time. And Makeesha was
really glad we were still there, so we could get the whole airport singing her happy birthday!!
We were all laden with much more stuff than we arrived with, thanks to all those wonderful pressies we were given. A couple of people were slightly more laden than the rest of us, as they thought the milk glasses with our cookies were part of the gift! (the glasses actually belonged to the Sheraton...oops!)
Now it's back to earth with a thud, and back to some regular posts. I hope you've enjoyed getting a taste of what Incentive Trip is all about.
Without my wonderful customers and team I wouldn't have even been there at all, so my heartfelt thanks to all of you! 2010's trip is to Hamilton Island, and I don't think I can bear to miss it, so I'd better get to work!