Thursday, August 20, 2009

Incentive Trip Day 2

I'm back again! Firstly, some catch up news from Day 1...This is the card that Shelli made us. So gorgeous! And the writing inside has to be seen to be believed... I also forgot to tell you about spinning the wheel! Every day, we hand in a ticket for a chance to spin the Prize Wheel. Yesterday I spun and won a pack of Ski Slope paper, AND I got a bonus prize of a pack of Jumbo brads, just for my keen observation skills! The wheel has lots of red and blue segments, and just one green one. When I went in to have a spin, no one had yet spun a green, so no one knew what the green prize was. After I spun (blue) and they gave me my Ski Slope paper, I said to the SU! girls "Isn't green for Jumbo Brads? That's what you have written on the blackboard sign?" They cheered and I got the prize for noticing, because no one else had! Yay me! Today I won Baja breeze corduroy buttons (spun blue again) and the green prize wasn't on the blackboard, so I don't know what it is yet!
This morning we had a lovely brekky at a nearby cafe, with some lovely people:Jayne, Georgina, Ness, Linda and me.
There was a greedy bush turkey (I think that's what it was!) at the table next to us, enjoying some tea and jam!
Then we sailed down the river on a ferry to Ricky's Restaurant

and we were divided into our Masterchef teams. In our Pink Pirouette team were Geoff Hunter, Kerri Hunter, Shelli, Stirling, Nick Rawlins, Janine Rawlins and our chef Sam. Don't we look spiffy in our hats and aprons??
Our task was to cook Creme Brulee tarts. We made the custard from eggs, milk, vanilla pods, caster sugar and cream. And made the pastry from flour, butter and eggs. How cute are Shelli and Stirling getting their hands...errrr gloves dirty kneading the dough:

After the tarts were baked, we used a blow torch to caramelise sugar for the top. At first, they just had us hold the little tart in one gloved hand, and the blowtorch in the other, but then we discovered that it was better to do it on a metal tray. Here's Stirling doing it the proper way (with Shelli looking on somewhat anxiously):

Dave kindly demonstrated what not to do by setting his latex glove on fire and badly burning his finger. Ouch! It was almost impossible to see the flame in the sunlight, and he couldn't get his burning glove off quickly enough.
Makeesha is sporting an injury of a different kind. She is on crutches at the moment and her foot and ankle are all bandaged up. What you can see of her toes are swollen and all shades of blue and green. She isn't missing out on the fun though!
Every team made a different dish, and then we got to enjoy the fruits of our labour, with a leisurely 4-course lunch!
This was the entree - Stuffed and crumbed ceringola Olives, Hervey Bay Scallops wrapped with prosciutto and celery leaf, and Chorizo and Manchego croquettes.

The 2 mains were Wild Mushroom and Truffle Gnocchi and Braised Duck Raviolo. Desserts were Chocolate truffles and our Creme brulee tarts. And no, I didn't remember all those names...we were given recipe booklets to take home :o)
These were our lunch companions - Robyn, Sharon, me and Janine:
Here are the real Masterchefs (and the paparazzi taking photos!)
Awards were given for the best chef in each group. They each won a Pretties Kit. But the best "Masterchef" over all won a dinner voucher for 2 for $150. Guess who??? Dave and his burned finger!! So we get to go back and enjoy some more scrumptious food...but I've heard they do good cocktails, so I think a few of us might head down there for pre-dinner drinks tomorrow.
Tonight we're hitting the Surf Club for Karaoke. I might need a LOT of drinks before you'll see me up there with a microphone!


  1. Sounds like you're having a great time. Poor Dave....


  2. Ouch - poor Dave Marelle!!! I'm sure if he has a few beers or something he wont feel a thing! lol

    Oh and can you tell Keesh I reckon she looks cute in that hat! lol

    Luv K

  3. Oh no poor Dave! But good to see he will be bringing home more skills to make our team meetings even more enjoyable! Who knew Incentive trip could be so dangerous!

  4. You know when I saw that pic of Sterling and the blow torch I thought things were looking dicey!Dave can't be too badly injured though, he's still got a smile (or is that a grimace???) on his face. Looks like you are all having a fabulous time!

  5. Thanks for taking time to let us know how you're going. Big sympathy hug to Dave. Please give my love to Linda and Georgina. Love KimT

  6. Sounds like you are having a ball and those aprons look so cute on all of you. Loved hearing about your trip and all the goodies you received. Sorry to hear about Dave and his burning finger. ouch!!
    I hope the rest of your vacation isn't as dangerous or hazardous. lol.


  7. Thanks so much for updating your blog while your away, its so fun hearing what you guys are getting up to. Keep having fun.

  8. what a fantastic time you are having - it is great following your blog -Lesley x
