Sunday, September 10, 2023

Craft for a Cause

People have always been at the heart of Stampin' Up! Each year we have a Product Giveback Program so they can support organisations in our communities that strive to make a positive difference for those in need.

This year, we’re supporting AngliCare’s Toys n’ Tucker in Australia. Our featured product is the A Walk in the Forest Designer Series Paper (Item 162377), which you can find in the September–December 2023 Mini Catalogue. 

For every paper sold, Stampin' Up! will donate $4.25 to Anglicare. Apart from helping a worthy cause, this paper is also just gorgeous:

Many of us have found ourselves in circumstances where we’ve needed some extra help and have been so grateful for the generosity of others. So let's all join in and Craft for a Cause so we can give back!


Email me to place your order, or click HERE to Shop Now

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