Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Retiring List Top Fives

I know the Retiring List can be huge and overwhelming, so I thought I'd break it down into the products I am saddest to say goodbye to. I hope that helps you too!

Top 5 Retiring Punches
Blossom Bunch Punch
Petite Petals Punch

These are in no particular was hard enough narrowing it down to 5! I'm going to miss all of these! Punches are always a great investment. Some of these have co-ordinating stamps too (listed below).

Top 10 Retiring Stamps

This was a tough one! There was no way I could narrow it down to 5! I've tried to include some great all-rounders, and sets that are very versatile. Some of these are close to selling out, with only the wood option available, so don't delay!

Top 5 Retiring Framelits
Banners Framelits Die
Stars Framelits Dies

Another toughie! Some of these made the list because I've used them to death (goodbye Curvy Keepsake *sob*) and a couple of others because they are such bargains (half price!!)...and some are a bit of both!

Bargain Alert!
Big Shot Die Brush

...Just a few bargains that I wanted to draw your attention to (yes, I'm such an enabler!). Don't forget in the Online Store you can choose a category and then sort by "Price" to list them in ascending order of price.

HOT TIP: Don't forget that all the bundles featured in our current Catalogues will no longer be available at 10% off in the new Catalogue, even if the actual products aren't retiring. So, now is the time to grab those at the bundled price. Check them out HERE
Note: in the case of the Balloon Pop-ups and Basket Builder, it is cheaper to buy the stamps and framelits separately, NOT as a bundle, as they are discounted at the moment!

Which products are you saddest to say goodbye to?

Email me to place your order, or click HERE to Shop Now

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