Friday, April 16, 2010

January Elite Challenges

December's dud was the first card with the bunny...I just don't think I hit the right balance with those colours. I know I'm my own worst critic. I'm really just making fun of myself by calling them "duds". Really, they are just so-so's. You know when you make a card, sit back and look at it and go "hmmmm.......nup". It just doesn't have that somethin'-somethin'.
Here's an easy one...can you pick it?

Sketch Challenge: (full details HERE)

Colour Challenge: (Full details HERE)

I was happy with one of these, and the other was just mediocre. What do you reckon?


  1. Okey dokey!

    My guess will be that you are super impressed with card number 1, but not so excited about card number 2! Am I right? Huh I?? lol

    Luv Kx

  2. Again, both are lovely...but I'm betting that you didn't like card #2 as well. No matter...I'm CASEin' em both so there! ;~D

  3. Hmmmm, Now I would say that the sketch challenge was your least favourite of these two. It just doesn't have your normal style on it. But it is lovely!
    I think you like the colour challenge this month.
    Either way they are both fantastic cards.

  4. You are nuts!......they are both's just torture trying to work out which one you don't like....LOL

  5. I like both, but am thinking you like the 'enjoy' card more? I could be wrong - cos I love the 'bunny' card! :)

  6. I love the first card and even with our similar stamping styles and tastes I can't pick which you don't like as much. It could possibly be the first one. If it's the first one the only thing I can think of that could be the reason is that you'd prefer the image over on the left and the button on the right but that would have been opposite to the sketch.

    Am I being too analytical!

  7. Kathryn Brennan17/4/10 7:33 pm

    I don't like the first one - it reminds me of old wallpaper. Is that critical enough? But the 2nd is really lovely - crisp and clean. Am not sure what you'd think though....!

  8. I think both cards are fabulous Marelle, but the first card I think is too "messy" to be your normal thing. Your work is normally very crisp and clean. So I'm picking you liked the sketch card the least. But I could be wrong - I've been choosing the wrong ones so far!
