Wednesday, November 05, 2008

5 Reasons to Love the Double Rectangle Punch

I use the humble Double Rectangle punch a LOT. In my opinion, it's a very worthwhile $11.50 investment!
Here are some of my favourite ways to use it: (number 2 is the promised Nifty Knot-Tying Tutorial)

1. Make Ribbon slots
2. Tie a nifty knot (*NEW* Tutorial)
3. Tie a Faux bow
4. Make an ornament hanger
5. Make a candy-cane sized hole


  1. I love the tutorials on the double rectangle punch. especially the nifty knot. I will have to give it a go next time I do a card with ribbon. thanks for sharing.



  2. You're awesome! Thanks for tips on the different ways to use this punch. I love the tutorial on tying the knot. Smart!

  3. Thanks for sharing your tutorials for the double rectangle punch. I really enjoyed reading each of them.
