Monday, April 30, 2007

Too Boot Scootin'???
I was playing around with Bodacious Bouquet on the weekend, and decided to make a Mother's Day card for my Mum. I can put it on here because she has no idea what a blog is, and wouldn't even know how to get on the Internet! lol I had this colour combo written down to try (must have seen it somewhere, but I've no idea where... Vintage Violet, Pumpkin Pie and Bravo Burgundy). I decided to follow my own advice and make 2 cards at once, with a slight variation... Now I'm not sure I like either of them! rolleyes They feel too "Boot Scootin'", or something (paisley, brass studs and belt buckles)! Let me know which one you prefer, or if you hate them too, and I should scrap them and make something new for my Mum!


  1. I don't mind them actually but prefer the one with the love and the ribbon - ie the second one - it feels more finished. I must buy some pumpkin cs!

  2. You know, I never liked Bodacious Bouquet until I started seeing your samples! Now I really like it! You enabler, you!LOL!
