Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Come and Meet the New Colours!

Our new Catalogue is just around the corner, and rather than having one big bash, this year I've decided to host a series of Mini Launch Parties ...actually, they are more of a cross between a class and a launch party!
We'll be making these 5 cards and matching envelopes, you'll get to play with ALL the new colours and make a colour chart to take home, you'll receive a handy Colour Inventory, and there will be cupcakes and champagne to welcome in the new Catalogue.
If you live in or around Sydney, I'd love to see you. Here are the details:

  Dates and Times:
Tuesday 12th June, 7pm
Wednesday 13th June, 9:30am
Wednesday 13th June, 7pm
Saturday 16th June, 9:30am
Saturday 16th June, 1:30pm
 Address: 27 Ryan St Dundas Valley
Cost: $25

You can also pick up your copy of the Brand New Annual Catalogue! There will be lots of special offers, we'll play a game or two and you'll have a chance to win a Lucky Door Prize. There will also be a thankyou gift to take home!

I will have lots of samples on display, and you'll be able to see the new products in action. It's the perfect way to kick-start your stamping mojo!

Don't miss out on this fabulous event. Bookings are essential, and places are limited so RSVP by June 8 to mail@marelletaylor.com.

Email me to place your order, or click HERE to Shop Now

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