Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Leo's Invitation

I realised that I never showed you all the Invitation I made for Leo's birthday last month. Well here it is. I kept it simple because the photo is the real star (is he cute, or is he cute??):

I'm missing him heaps at the moment because they've been in San Francisco for the last few weeks. I'm hanging out for my Leo fix on Friday!


  1. Love the invite and little Leo xx

  2. Positively adorable!!

  3. Really! He is SO cute...

    Oh ya nice work Marelle on the invite but I think this time Yvette's "work" {aka leo} has outshone you!

  4. Kathryn BRennan21/9/12 8:38 pm

    He's so cute you could eat him! And the invite is pretty good too!
