Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fiji Incentive Trip - Day 2

Day 2 started bright and early...we had to be in the Hotel foyer at 5:15am to pick up our breakfast boxes and get on our bus. I think most of us snoozed our way along the coast and through villages and sugar cane fields to the Jungle Region of Fiji. We had to change to smaller 4WD mini buses to take us along unsealed roads even further into the jungle. We stopped along the way for home-baked banana cake and juice.
We arrived at our destination (the middle of nowhere!) for instruction on river-rafting and then a short (but steep!) trek through the jungle to the river.

Trekking through the jungle with our hard hats and oars
There were 4 of us per boat and we each had our own guide. Our guide was Peter, from the local village. It was amazing hearing his stories about his life and culture and also about local tales and legends. Fijians are such gentle, friendly people with very big hearts.

Looking glamorous in lifejackets and hard hats!
We passed through amazing scenery, deep rock chasms, waterfalls and down some roaring rapids but also along still, calm waters. There was lots of laughing as the guides all joked with eachother, and we all joined in splashing and bashing other rafts. We had a bit of a delay along the way when one of the rafts sprung a leak, and all of its passengers had to be re-distributed among the other rafts!
It started raining at around lunch time so we had lunch under the shelter of an enormous cave. After some much-needed food, we kept rowing our way down the river to our next stop, the “free massage waterfall”. A few of us stood under it (we were so saturated by this time, with all the splashing games and the rain, that staying dry really wasn’t an option!). I had a go:

Do I look like I’m enjoying my massage?? LOL It was so LOUD and stinging under that that I couldn’t even look up! The end of the river rafting was at another local village. We were able to get changed into dry clothes, have a warm drink and visit with the villagers who had made us home-baked cakes. Then it was the long bus ride home (and more snoozing for many people!), although we did play some Stampin’ trivia and have a Lucky Prize draw too (Baja Breeze Seam Binding ribbon and Crowns Trinkets were the prizes). It was an amazing experience, and one that I will never forget.
We arrived back at the Sofitel just after 8pm, rather exhausted and starving too. We spun the Wheel (Well Worn DSP for me!) and loaded up on peanut butter and pretzel m&ms and then our raft buddies Teresa and Tanya were happy to share some room service. We helped them finish their swaps and then our beds were calling us!
Another Pillow Gift – supplies for our Make-and-Take session the next morning! In a gorgeous Big Shot Die Container. Inside were lots of supplies from our upcoming Summer Mini. I can’t show them to you, but I will just say I LOVE it…best make-and-take supplies EVER!



  1. All sounds so adventurous Marelle. I love the art work you were presented with, looking forward to seeing that IRL. I'd luuurve to see some polynesian style in SU stamps!
    Maybe you could mention that to Sheli LOL!

  2. Ooh wow that sounds like quite a day! Bet you all slept well that night. Great pics. What an adventure!

  3. I love the pic of you under that waterfall. You look like a little girl trying not to get wet. Very cute xx
