Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Catching Up!

I've been honoured to receive not one, but TWO awards in the last day. Michele gave me the E award:And Leonie gave me the Spread the Love Award!

Aren't I Lucky?! Thanks girls! Because it's too hard to think of 10 people to pass these awards on to, I'm going to give 5 people both awards (that's probably against the rules, but too bad!)

1. Teneale Williams (who has a website not a blog, but since I'm breaking rules anyway, I might as well go the whole hog!) because she's the most talented stamper I know and one of the loveliest people I've ever met too.
2. Alisa Tilsner (even though she's probably been nominated a zillion times already) because she's such a star!
3. Jayne Mercer (even though I know she's got one of them already) because she's such a star!
4. Sarah Klass because everything she does is so classy (I mean Klassy!)
5. Claire Daly because she really does do art AND heart!

I've also been a very slack Tagger. I was tagged a couple of times, quite a while ago now, and I'm ashamed to say, I dropped the baton! *blush*
I was supposed to name 7 Interesting Things about myself *sigh* 7 BORING things would be much easier.... Oh well, I'm breaking all the rules today!
7 BORING Things about me:
1. I don't speak any language apart from English
2. I have never lived anywhere but NSW
3. I am scared of heights
4. I don't watch any tv shows
5. I like to read
6. I like to do crosswords
7. I'm not allergic to anything

See, boring aren't I?? And I'm not tagging anyone either :-P


  1. strike ..., if I only knew how boring you were .... lol ..., actually I am nearly as boring as you but I watch tv shows ... hmm but not when they are aired on tv ... maybe I am boring afterall!! lol

  2. Oh Glenys I just love reading your musings! LOL!
