Friday, May 05, 2006

Place an Order

You can view the catalogue online HERE
or I can send you a copy for $15 including postage to anywhere in Australia.
You can place an order any time by phone or email:
ph 9801 2352
mbl 0401 542 105

I just need the product code and description, and I can have your order shipped straight to your door. Shipping and Handling is just 5% of the order total, or $5.95, whichever is greater.

I take payment by Visa, Mastercard, cheque or direct deposit into my bank account.
My bank details are:
ANZ Bank
A/C name Marelle Taylor
BSB 012475
A/C NO. 507108408

I also do gift certificates, made out to any amount you choose. They come in a hand-decorated wallet, like this one: