Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mouse Kisses

Every year I like to make a little treat for everyone who comes along to our Team Christmas party. This year I made little Hershey's Kisses mice. Very appropriate, I think, for a team called "Stamper's Anony-mouse"! Here are the little cuties:

Actually, these are the leftover cuties. I forgot to take a picture of the whole crew!

Don't they look like a little mouse choir?
Here's a close-up, so you can see how they are made:

I've attached the ribbon 'tail' to the tag that pokes out the end of the Kiss. I found the easiest way to make the ears is to stick together a 3/4" circle and two 1/2" circles (like Mickey Mouse ears) and then sandwich that piece in between the 2 Kisses.

Email me to place your order, or click HERE to Shop Now


  1. So cute. I can hear the choir sing.

  2. Very cute Marelle, did you buy them in America, I've never seen Hershey chocolate here? You are so clever, and each year you come up with new ideas!!

  3. Kathryn Brennan18/12/13 7:53 pm

    Cutest mouse choir ever ;-)

  4. Mmmm ..... chocolate! What? Oh no, of course not, the're mice! Silly me (giggle) !!!!
