Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Convention Run Down

Where to begin??? Apart from catching up with old friends and making many new ones, one of the biggest highlights of Convention are all the Sneak-Peaks, giveaways and Announcements that we are privy to. Unfortunately I can't tell you all of those!

What I can tell you is that Convention next year is 23-25 May in Brisbane, and I'll be going for sure! We can take guests too...anyone want to join me??

Our next Incentive Trip is 21-26 July in Utah (yes, really!!!!), and we have the option of attending US Convention prior to the trip if we wish! (I do wish!). I intend to be there, but I still have a lot of work to do between now and March 31 (that's when we need to qualify by)...anyone want to book a party??

Our Catalogue schedule is changing! Our Main Catalogue has a new release date, starting in 2013. It will now be released on July 1. This year is a transition year, so it will still be released in September, but only run for 10 months. Our Mini Catalogues are now called "Seasonal Catalogues" and they will be larger (in both size and page number) and last for 5 months. We have a Holiday Seasonal Catalogue that will run from September - January, and then an Autumn one from February - June.

Inspiration is everywhere at Convention, and I always come home with my batteries fully re-charged and raring to go.....anyone want to book a party?? Hang on, did I ask that already?

Here's just a couple of the many swap boards:

This is some of my lovely team, all dressed in shades of pink in honour of one of our gorgeous ladies who couldn't be with us this time, but was very much there in spirit. She's in the photo too, albeit as a head on a stick! The real Sam will be joining us in Brisbane for sure.

This is what you do when you find an unexpected surprise in your bag (in the form of a "Demonstrator of the Year Top 25" Pin):
My dear friend Teresa. She cracked me up all weekend long. We have such fun together.

Here's me with my roomie, Jo Wassens, all dressed up in our finery for the Awards Dinner:
Jo was the perfect room-mate. We are just on the same page and laughed and chatted until the wee hours of the night.

I was very proud to have one of my team members join me at Manager's Reception this year...for the first time ever :o)
Here's me with the lovely Juliette:

And 2 of my Stampin' besties, (do they need introducing?) Sarah Klass and Teneale Williams:

I hope you enjoyed that very brief snapshot of my Convention experience. It really is the most enormously fun ultimate girl's weekend. I wouldn't miss one for the world! Bring on Brisbane 2013!


  1. Glad you all had some great fun.....I need to say it though.....wish i was there LOL.....here's to 2013!!

  2. Kathryn Brennan6/6/12 6:12 pm

    The swaps look totally amazing (yours and the boards). Great that you could be there and soak up all the great things that you'll be able to pass on to us!!

  3. So glad you had that much fun...never in doubt though. Looking forward to seeing your swaps ...yours was amazing....Carolin x

  4. Had a great time.Will definitely be there in Brisbane where we will be cheering you on for making incentive trip in Utah.

  5. WoW! Utah - how amazing would that be? And a US convention too - awesome. Good luck with your goals to get there - I'm sure you will succeed.
