Here's the info in case you missed it:
Would you like to to advantage of this month's Hostess Promotion, but don't have time to host a workshop?
Why not join in my Virtual Workshop? It's easy! All you have to do is email me your order of $90 or more* by this Friday 10th June with "Virtual Workshop" in the subject line. Once I get 5 orders, I will combine them and all 5 of you share in the Hostess goodies! This means that for every $90 you spend, you get to choose $22 in freebies! And what's more, I will put the 5 names in a draw to win a Level 1 Hostess Set!
I can run another one later on in the month if there is enough interest.
The orders will be sent to me (the usual shipping and handling charge of 5% applies), and I can either deliver it to you if you live nearby or mail it if you are further away (I will cover the cost of mailing it to you).
Email me now to join in the fun!
* your $90 order can include the 5% shipping and handling fee

What a great idea! I have just sent you an email order, hope it not too late!