Thursday, October 14, 2010

Incentive Trip Day 2

We woke up this morning to sunshine and just a light breeze, so all looked good for our Barrier Reef cruise. After enjoying the Hotel's buffet breakfast, we boarded the bus down to the Marina. We all hopped on board the FantaSea. Dave and I started off outside, but the hot sun forced us indoors pretty quickly. It was all good until we got outside the protected waters of the WhitSundays. As soon as we were out to sea, the wind and 2m swell caused a LOT of rocking and rolling... for the next 1 1/2 hours. Dave and I were both OK, but many others suffered really bad sea-sickness. I think the boat used a lot of barfbags today!! The crew handed out ice for us to suck on, and cool towels to try and alleviate the symptoms. We distracted ourselves as best we could...trying to talk with ice cubes in our mouths was one activity that passed the time. Here's Teresa entertaining us all:

You can see a few people looking rather poorly in the background!
It was quite a relief to arrive on the Pontoon, and escape the eau de vomit!! All looking a bit cheerier here:
Warren and Kim Gavarra, Jayne, me, Jo, John and Sue Madex, Yvonne.
We donned very glamorous Stinger suits to go snorkeling in:
Tanya wriggling into hers, my rear end, and Teresa. And here Tanya and Teresa look more like they are trying to BE jellyfish than trying to avoid them!
Dave reckons he looks like a superhero in this shot, with his undies on the outside:

I'm not exactly sure which Superhero he thinks he is though!
The reef was spectacular, and our tummies settled down enough to enjoy a delicious lunch out there too. The boat sold lots of Travacalm tablets for the return journey, and I think most people fared a bit better. It was nice to place our feet on solid ground again, although I still feel like the room is moving a bit. We've just had lovely hot showers, and now we are about to head to the hospitality room to spin the wheel, and then have dinner afterwards. I think we'll all sleep well tonight!!


  1. Sounds like a great day Marelle!

    Great photo's too!

    Luv Karen

  2. Thanks for taking the time to blog Marelle, we certainly enjoy seeing what you're up to.
    By the way your Xmas wreath in SAP magazine looks STUNNING!

    Love Jen A

  3. oh oh I forgot to say. Tell Dave he could pass for a skinny version of shrek in that charming green suit - although it would appear he has snapped off his little ear thingys that stick up! lol


  4. What a hilarious rendition of your day Daves undies on the outside.

  5. How fun to read about your trip! And what a gorgeous property you are staying at!! Enjoy! Hello from California!

  6. sounds like you are having fun. when you get back I have given you a blog award. I get lots of inspiration from you. thanks

  7. Hi Marelle,

    I just popped in to say thank you so much for donating to kez's cards for the troops day, i am so grateful for your support of the cause and to say what a wonderful upline you are.

    Then to realise that you are on your incentive trip, wow, how extraordinary, you sooo deserve it. Thank you for sharing it with us, it looks amazing and it inspires me to acheive next years trip to fiji. ENJOY. And see when you get back and are at regionals. Again, many thanks.

    cheers tracey.

    ps any clues for the summer mini lol.
