Thursday, June 28, 2007

...and this one?
Well, you were all so kind about the last card that I was unsure of, that you've given me to confidence to put up a pic of another one. I challenged myself to use this colour combo aaages ago, and have sent many cards to the card graveyard because of it! I wanted to do red and green that wasn't Christmas, and it's been a real struggle. This is Certainly Celery, Garden Green (yes, I've used it twice now *gasp!*), Rose Red and Regal Rose. Crayon Resist on gloss again. I'm loving the Ribbon Originals!
So, be honest (did I really just say that??? maybe I meant to say be kind..) What do you think?


  1. It's another winner Marelle!

  2. I love it, Marelle! You've certainly mastered that color combo. I know it wasn't easy, but you pulled it off beautifully. A+

  3. Oooh. I love this one more than the last...think you've made me change my mind about those free sets!!

  4. How can you doubt yourself? It's great. Your biggest fan.

  5. Oh WOW Marelle, I am so wishing I had bought this set... this is a lovely card!

  6. I love your cards! Consider yourself tagged. Please go to my website at for directions on how to play!

  7. The colour combo is great! Pretty card!

  8. Marelle,
    How do you come up with such great ideas?
    Beautiful - I feel another club card coming on!!!!!!!!!
    Karen Woods

  9. Looks fab! Me too though, I always wonder whether green & red is going to look to Christmasy even if it does have flowers on it.

  10. Absolutely beautiful!! I just love that set - thanks for the inspiration and for sharing.

  11. This is great Marelle - Conisder yourself CASED!
    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  12. Oh Marelle *sigh*... I think you NEED a tougher challenge somehow (although you managed my whacked-out colour one the other night and made it look stunning!)... you are a legend - I wanna be you when I grow up ;)
