Thursday, March 06, 2008

Trumpet blowing!

I got a lovely surprise in the mail yesterday...the latest Stamping and Papercraft mag with some of my cards in it! So, I'm shamelessly blowing my own trumpet here.
This is the original set of cards I submitted, which they accepted, and asked me to make 3 more for the "10 Quick Cards" section (I thought it would be a bit cheeky to point out that it's actually nine cards and a tote bag).
This was aaaages ago (as you can see, this pic was taken before I even had a watermark for my photos) and it was so nice to see them finally in print! You can find full instructions and the template for the tote bag in the mag (Vol 13 No7), but if you have any questions about them, feel free to email me!


  1. Congratulations, you should blow your own trumpet. You have earned it with such lovely work. Well done, I love checking out your site quite often. Marlene

  2. Well Done Marelle, Your work is ALWAYS amazing and your just so lovely... Blow your trumpet

    Love your biggest fan ;0)


  3. Oh my, you are getting published a bit now aren't you. Congratulations and well done, they are lovely cards.

  4. Marelle, these are GORGEOUS! Perfect for a Stamp-a-Stack (hint hint!!!) Congrats, you deserve it, trumpet away!!

    Love, your OTHER biggest fan,
    Robyn L xx

  5. Yep I agree with all the above - toot toot trumpet. Congrats Marelle - great designs.

  6. congrats marelle - i cant wait to receive my copy :)

  7. Gorgeous set Marelle. So glad seeing spots is staying...
    and toot away - you so deserve the recognition!
